Cancer Related Mortality Analysis with HealthVerity

May 29, 2024

We’re excited to be attending the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) conference this week to talk about how our mortality data can support oncology outcomes. We’ve collaborated with HealthVerity to produce an analysis of cancer-related mortality using our new Cause of Death algorithm.

What did we find out?
◾ Cause of death can be calculated for over 1.7M individuals within the HealthVerity Mortality Masterset for 2022 alone.
◾ 27% of deaths had neoplasms as a component of death, which closely matches the 25% reported by the CDC.
◾ When we further breakdown by individual cancer type, the highest percentage of deaths are attributed to respiratory, lymphoid, and digestive system cancers.
◾ For individuals where neoplasms are calculated to be a comorbidity, we also report the most common primary causes of death.

If you’re interested in seeing these results, click here, or if you want to hear more about how you can apply this novel dataset to your analysis, contact us at