Fact of Death Data Analysis

July 9, 2024

We pride ourselves with continuously improving our Fact of Death Index to provide the best mortality solution. We have spent the last 18 months diligently implementing updates like:
💡Increasing our total record count by adding new sources
💡Targeted reprocessing of incorrect names and other poorly extracted data elements to improve data quality
💡Added new fields for confidence scores and duplicate indicators to make the data more usable

Comparing the Fact of Death volumes in January 2023 to now (June 2024), our coverage has increased by almost 10% with the new sources we have added. (The total counts per year from 2010 – 2024 (so far), and percentage increase, are shown below.) Over the same timeframe, the average number of sources per record has also increased from 4.13 to 4.76. This improved record “density” provides reassurance that we are increasing our data quality by having confirmation from multiple sources for each death record. Lastly, we are getting quicker at indexing records and currently report 90% of all records within 10 days of the death date.
If you want to learn more about our data, or have questions about coverage or quality, please message us or reach out to sales@veritasdataresearch.com.