Balancing Insights and Privacy: The Critical Role of Data Governance in Mortality Data Utilization

July 17, 2024

Mortality data can often be a missing study endpoint even when using multiple datasets for an analysis, especially in healthcare. Combining mortality data with other healthcare RWD is not as complicated as some might worry though. Analysts don’t need to choose between privacy regulations and high-quality data insights – it is possible to satisfy both requirements.

As members of the larger health data ecosystem, Veritas Data Research is eager to work with our partners to remove barriers to performing the insightful analyses that will advance patient care, and to do so in a way that protects patient privacy. Data governance is a key piece of this effort, and proper implementation of data governance principles can unlock the value in data AND provide the necessary data protection, as is described by Shubh Sinha and the Integral team in this new article we have been working on together.

Read the full piece here: Balancing Insights and Privacy: The Critical Role of Data Governance in Mortality Data Utilization